This web site is designed to give you both a flavour of our Trust and access to important Trust documents.
The Schelwood Trust was formed on a collaborative basis by bringing together Herschel Grammar School (which was a ‘stand-alone’ academy) with Beechwood School (which was a ‘maintained school’ under the control of the Local Authority).
Whilst the schools themselves are very different, in that one is a selective grammar, and the other a comprehensive secondary school, they each have contributed to the Trust in their own way. The Headteachers of each school work effectively together. There are joint ‘INSET’ days with staff and students from Herschel Grammar School acting as mentors across the two Sixth Forms.
The Trust has a dedicated and professional staff and we value the work that they do in nurturing our students through their young lives.
The Trust has an ambition to grow to 5/6 schools based around school improvement and the quality of education that is on offer.
I am privileged to lead a Board of Trustees which is strong, diverse and comes from a variety of backgrounds. We are all committed to the success of the Trust and the education that is on offer at each school so that our students become the best they can be and are prepared for their next stage, whether it be further education or employment.
Jon Reekie
Chair of the Board of Trustees.