Whilst every member of staff has a responsibility to safeguard all pupils, the Designated Safeguarding Lead has overall responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare and well-being of all pupils at the school. Many of you may know Mrs Rodriguez as your child’s Head of Learning (current year 9) or MFL teacher and she will continue with these positions in addition to her new role.
As part of her new responsibilities Mrs Rodriguez would like to promote our new Safeguarding page on the school website, and can be found on the School Information menu. Here is a link to the page:
This page contains further information about safeguarding at Herschel, including what safeguarding means for us all, details of the safeguarding team, useful links and resources, as well as a copy of our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy. This page will be regularly updated with further links and resources.
There is also a Help and Support page, one under For Parents and one under For Students, on the school website which contains information pertaining to safeguarding as well as guidance and support, relevant links and documents. Please see the links below:
If you ever have concerns about a child’s safety or well-being you should contact a member of the Safeguarding team. Details of the Safeguarding team can be found on the Safeguarding Page and in our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy. Details are also provided of who to contact if you have serious concerns about a child’s immediate safety outside of school hours (including evenings, weekends and holidays).