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Help and Support for Parents and Carers

The school has signed up for a free trial with Creative Education for parents and carers. The free trial will end on the 1st November 2021.

Iinformation about some online safety videos which we have acquired access to, for parents and carers, has recently been sent out. The resources with Creative Education are in addition to those videos and cover a broader range of topics.

Creative Education has a range of practical video courses that will provide you new insights and perspectives on caring for children to help them grow up healthy and happy.

There is a wide variety of videos, which you can filter by age and subject. You can filter by Health and Wellbeing, Behaviour and SEND. Within these broad subjects, there are videos on topics such as supporting children with anxiety, low self-esteem, online safety and many more, including my personal favourite Understanding the Teenage Brain!

Why might this be useful for me?

We all know that being a parent or carer can be a rewarding, but challenging job and that none of us are provided with a manual on how to parent or how to support and understand our children. As our children get older and progress into the teenage years, trying to understand their struggles can be a real challenge. These videos are designed to help with these challenges.

Please check your parentmail for details on how to sign up.
We are unable to publish those details on the website.

Mrs Rodriguez
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Assistant Headteacher